Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'll admit that the beginning of the book was pretty hard to read, in the sense that it was more confusing. But, as I got more into the book, I began to appreciate the beauty of the story and its relation to the creation of our own earth. Two themes/ideas early stood out to me.

1. Temptation comes and goes, it is up to us to decide what we are going to do with it.
"Thus, and not otherwise, the world was made. Either something or nothing must depend on individual choices."
While the lady had no sense of right and wrong, she still had to make choices, to listen to reason and logic and decide for herself what was inherently right. While we know right and wrong and are tempted, we have the Holy Ghost to balance us out. That being said, it is a challenge for us not to be clouded by that. But, we do have the ability to choose, to make up our minds to have a clear mind by staying worthy.

2. Each of us are little Maledils

What I mean by that, and want to expound on, is that we are little Christ's, in so many different ways. Ransom is the perfect example as he teaches each of us that we can be a representative of Christ. While Ransom might have felt that he wasn't prepared or strong enough, there came a time when he realized that he had to fight the un-man, whether or not he liked it. In the same way, there comes a time when we have to decide that we are on the Lord's side, and do all we can to fight the adversary and everything he stands for. We are stronger and better than we think we are. If we can have that faith and courage, then we will be able to overcome all.

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