Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Magician's Nephew

I don't think I'll ever be able get over just how amazing the Narnia series is. Because it's so amazing, I just bought this gorgeous copy.

Anyhow, I think I might have read The Magician's Nephew a long time ago. I know I have it on my bookshelf at home, but I can't remember reading it. The story is a reminder of the creation, of how God, in His own way, created our worlds and many of His other worlds. I very much enjoyed the way Lewis symbolized the creation with Aslan's singing voice, whose sound was described as "beautiful."

Evil always has a way of coming into the world, or a world. God will always provide a place of protection or refuge, like the tree. The question is, will we stay by it?

The event/situation that stuck home for me the most was when Digory was sent to get the fruit from the gated garden far away. When he first asked Aslan if he could have it for his mother, he saw amidst his tears that Aslan Himself was crying. It was a stark reminder to me that the Savior feels every pain and hurt that we go through. He knows exactly how we feel. In the garden itself, Digory has struggles, both within himself and with the witch. There are so many things that we have to overcome, temptations within ourselves and with the adversary. But, as we rely on Christ, we can and will overcome all.

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